Buddhaverse Podcast

What Is a Buddha? pt. 1

Episode Summary

What's the most important question you've ever asked? For me that question is "what is a Buddha?" This episode is part one of an attempt to answer that question from the Therevada, or Way of the Elders, perspective.

Episode Notes

The Buddha may be the single most influential figure in human history, and also the most misunderstood, or misinterpreted. When he attained "Buddhahood," the course of history changed forever, but when he announced to the world, "I am awake," what did it mean ? The legacy he left in his wake is one of the major religions of the world, know today as "Buddhism" but he did not teach a belief system, nor a philosophy, and not exactly a science.  What he taught was how to deliver one's self and others from suffering through education, reflection, and meditation. Let's take a look at this magnanimous artist formerly known as Siddhartha, and what is means to be a Buddha. In part 2 we'll answer this question from the Mahayana Buddhist perspective.